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Balancing Your Time in College

College is a very unique time in a young person’s life. For many, it’s the first time that they will be moving away from their parents and out in the world on their own. College is much different than high school. Undoubtedly, the first thing that you will notice is the workload.

In high school, most of your day was spent in class and then a smaller amount of time was spent each day studying and doing homework. In college, you will typically spend a smaller amount of time in classes but a much larger amount of time outside of class reading course material, studying, and lots of writing. The general education courses (typically the first two years of college) usually involve writing lots of essays and research papers. 
With the larger work load comes a larger responsibility. You will be your own boss for 24 hours a day. Most importantly, you need to set aside time each day for classes and studying. Many experts and former college professors recommend that the typical college student who is taking 15 credits a semester should study anywhere from 30-40 hours per week outside of class in order to be successful. Studying in college is nearly a full time job which can take up a majority of your time. First and foremost, studying and working hard in college is the most important part. Always. However, it is also important to balance out your school life and leisure life. Taking breaks from your school work throughout the day can result in a sense of renewal and help improve clarity. 
According to the Johns Hopkins Student Assistance program, school-life balance is crucial for optimal academic success and that many young students prioritize academics at the expense of personal relationships and exercise. College can be a very rewarding yet very stressful time in a young person’s life. Going to college is as much about finding out who you really are as it is about getting a degree. Always remember that.